Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lucky Ducky

We’re still here!  Baby is still cookin.  We had an ultrasound last Wednesday.  We got some great profile shots and a super cute one of her sucking her thumb.  She is looking good and still very active.  Lauren is already pretty uncomfortable because this little one just seems to be growing so fast.  I remind her constantly that we have a long way to go and she is just going to get bigger.  It’s not a very popular response.  Hitting 25 weeks seems huge to me.  I know we still have 15 weeks, but that’s not that long.  We are going into what I like to call the “Holiday Snowball.”  Once Halloween hits, this snowball of birthdays and holidays hits and the next thing I know is that it’s the New Year.  And then we will be within a month.  It’s going to be here so fast. 

If you are actually reading this during the 25th week, the ticker at the top says, “My ears are much more sensitive this week.  So would you mind keeping it down out there.”  I am pretty sure this is a direct response to her Auntie Frankie.  Frankie is our derby sister and one of the loudest girls I know.  I’m a loud girl, too, so I absolutely love it.  She was extra loud when we saw her on Sunday at the bout (Divas 133 – HCC 100.  Go Divas!).  She loves to stand there and yell, “STELLLLLLA,” at Lauren’s belly.  She is also terrified of Lauren’s belly and Lauren chases her with it to freak her out. 

This is one lucky little girl.  Everyone around us is so excited to meet her.  Our family and friends are being so great and supportive.  We are having so much fun planning for her arrival.  People keep giving us gifts for her, which is so sweet and lots of fun.  She already has a pretty stellar shoe collection.  (I still need to get her some baby Adidas and Nikes.  I think we may get matching Nikes) We are just so grateful.  It’s already been an amazing journey and it’s barely just begun.  Motherhood is gonna rule. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wiggle Worm

The little wiggle worm is a super active little girl.  She likes to play when mommy lies down to go to sleep and again right before it’s time for her to get up.  Looks like are going to have a night owl on our hands.  The butterfly kisses have given way to jabs, pokes, kicks and bizarre alien movement.  Not only can I feel her, but we are just starting to see her move if we stare at her belly long enough.  Her nursery is coming along nicely.  She has painted walls, a crib, a comforter, curtains, a changing table and a bookshelf.  Lauren made the comforter and the curtains herself.  She is currently working on her mobile.  She also painted a picture for the wall.  I married myself a crafty little one, didn’t I?  I have been working a whole lot, so I haven’t had much of a chance to pitch in.  Once these outages are done, I plan on helping with the rest of the decorating and organizing.  Hopefully, we will have her dresser and the rug soon.  Once those are in, we can finish organizing and we will be ready to take some pictures!
I know I haven’t been updating this a ton, but I never know what will make a good blog these days.  At the beginning, every little thing was written down and recorded.  We blasted through milestone after milestone and you can go back and re-read each one.  Not much is going on now besides the belly getting bigger and bigger.  (I should say bellies.  Dang, it’s like I am eating for two, too.)  These days we spend a lot of time talking, planning and hoping for her future.  I don’t want her (or anyone else) reading into this and feel like we are putting undue pressure on her, so I haven’t really blogged about it.  It’s not so much “She will be a doctor.” or “She better get straight A’s.” It’s more general like, “She won’t be a bully and she will learn to share.” and “I just want her to try her best.”  I know I can’t literally dictate what kind of person she will be, but I hope through the things we teach her, the way we act and the way we treat her will help her become a good person.  I don’t care if she is rich, famous or “successful,” I just want her to be a decent human being.  There are so many people these days that still care more about money and power than doing what is right and helping others.  I’m not saying she has to be a missionary (but if she wants to be, that’s fine) but I would like her to volunteer, or donate to a good cause occasionally, or just be NICE to people.  There aren’t enough nice people these days.  I know I’m not always nice.  I don’t want her to be a pushover, either.  I think she needs to stand up for herself and for what she believes in. I just don’t want her to be one of those girls who is a bitch for the sake of being a bitch.  I used to know a lot of those girls.  I know what a lot of them are doing now.  If that ain’t karma, I don’t know what is.  My dad is pretty religious and I (surprise!) am not.  He did tell me one thing that has stuck with me though.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.  Yep, the Golden Rule.  Not that hard.  And no, I am not perfect, but I at least try to consider other people’s feelings before I act.  There are times that my brain justifies turning that off (lying, cheating or blatant disregard for others), but I will let her figure that out on her own, if she so chooses.  But if I can get her to just take that away from everything else, like I did with my dad, I think she will be alright.