I am keeping a gender spreadsheet. I have been tracking all the urban legends and old wives tales that we have done so far. Right now, that sheet is seriously stacked towards a little girl. However, I have a theory on the universe keeping things even. I have been keeping track of all recent babies I know of to see how we would balance it out. Right now I know of 3 girl newborns (or soon to be newborns) and 2 little boys. So, as of now, based on that, we would be having a boy. There is a friend who is due in a couple weeks that doesn’t know what she is having. If she has a boy, they are even and we are right back where we started. I am going to start adding our friends’ guesses to the spreadsheet. Feel free to leave your guess as a comment. I will add it to our list. Here is the list of old wives tales/urban legends.
Her age is even and the year is odd
Chinese Gender Chart
She sleeps on her right side
Her magic 8 ball said so (to be fair, it did predict this working on the first try)
Bad morning sickness
Her hands are real soft
She has been craving sweets
She’s been having crazy mood swings
When I asked for her hand, she gave it to me palm up
We are both dreaming about boys
I will edit this as we come across more.
Here's another one to add to the list: thread a wedding ring or needle on a loop of string. If it moves in a circle then the baby is a girl. If it goes back and forth it's a boy. I was talked into this by a little old lady and although she couldn't really remember which movement meant a boy she told me that was what I was having. For what it's worth, she was right.
ReplyDelete<3 you two!
That one is on the list. I am waiting until her belly gets a little bigger. I don't know if it really matters or not. But thanks for the info!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a girl to me!