Kickstart my heart
Give it a start
Ooh, yeah, baby
Give it a start
Ooh, yeah, baby
We saw the baby kicking today. A lot. And I fell in love a little more with each kick. Our future skater, kick boxer or soccer player was fiercely practicing this morning. Lauren still can’t feel it, but I’m guessing that’s a good thing. If this baby is this active when it’s bigger, her insides are going to be pretty banged up.
We went in for a check-up, but he couldn’t find the heartbeat with a Doppler. He said that’s pretty normal for 12 weeks, but I was totally bummed. He opened the door and said, “Oh, the ultrasound room is open, let’s take a quick look.” YAY!! We weren’t supposed to have an ultrasound today. He found the heartbeat (151 bpm) and took a quick look at the baby. Baby K was kicking and moving around like crazy. The ultrasound pics are starting to look like a baby. At least to the trained eye of someone who knows what they are looking at in those things. Thankfully, we had the Doc point everything out to us, so we can point it out to everyone else.