Thursday, July 21, 2011

Crib Wars

We have actually come to an agreement on the cribs.  I can choose the crib as long as she can choose the color.  I am just curious what others think.  So far, everyone loves the one I like less.  I still like it, don't get me wrong.  I should, I picked them both out.  One has just grown on me more though.  And everyone we ask, likes the one she likes better.  Like I said, I might get this one anyway.  It was her idea to give me the style I want if she gets the color she wants.  Compromise rules.

So what do you think? 

Crib A:


Crib B:

I started typing out the differences in the specs, but it sounded like I was trying to stack it towards the one I want.  I was just typing out the facts, so I think I just confirmed my choice.  It's not only better looking, in my opinion, but I think it's more practical and safer.  Still curious though, so vote away!!!


  1. I always preferred the symmetrical cribs myself. But crib A looks like it has way more space underneath for storage. Under the bed storage is important! I remember this being a horribly drawn out decision for us. Good luck!

  2. I like crib A. In fact, if you don't get that one, I might get it for myself. Chris can get his own bed.

  3. Momo (aka Grandma K)July 22, 2011 at 3:07 PM

    Consensus here at work is Crib A. We think Crib B looks like a cage for a circus animal.

  4. :-) A wins!! Lol, A won before this was posted, but I was just curious. Thanks, everyone!!

  5. I think I actually like the "A" one better now. I haven't looked at either of them since the first time you showed them to me.
