Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pickles and Ice Cream is so 1992

Mrs. BabyMomma woke up around 4am and declared she wanted pizza for breakfast.  She fell right back asleep and about an hour later woke up again asking if we had cinnamon rolls.  I kind of laughed and said, "Oh so no more pizza then?"  "Well, I still want pizza, too."  So there you have it.  Crazy combo number one.  I couldn't have called this if I tried.  Excellent.  I can't wait to see what other fun stuff she comes up with.


  1. As long as she doesn't want a cinnamon roll from The Machine Shed, I think you can handle it. A better alternative would be for the cinnamon roll french toast at R Place. And just in case she's interested, I'm in.

  2. Dude. Don't they have that dessert pizza at Pizza Hut that tastes like cinnamon rolls?

    Actually. Now I want pizza and cinnamon rolls simultaneously. Damn.
